Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PCR Results!

Thanks to all of the Maker Faire attendees who participated in the genotyping experiment. Here are the first few results. Each of the lanes (vertical columns) on the above gels represents one person's DNA. We have emailed the people with their lane numbers so they know which DNA is theirs. If there are two bands in the lane, the person has both the tasting (t) and nontasting (T) allele, and since the tasting is dominant they CAN taste the bitter substance. If they have the bigger band (the one on top) only, they have two non-tasting alleles (they are homozygous) and are non-tasters. None of these samples had only the lower (smaller) band, so NONE of these specific participants was homozygous for the tasting allele. We'll be processing the rest of the samples soon!

1 comment:

  1. Did you use a commercial kit for this experiment or are primer sequences readily available? I am interested in trying this with students.
